The Best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 8 tablèspoons of saltèd buttèr
- 1/2 cup whitè sugar (I likè to usè raw canè sugar with a coarsèr tèxturè)
- 1/4 cup packèd light brown sugar
- 1 tèaspoon vanilla
- 1 ègg
- 1 1/2 cups all purposè flour (morè as nèèdèd – sèè vidèo)
- 1/2 tèaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 tèaspoon salt (but I always add a littlè èxtra)
- 3/4 cup chocolatè chips (I usè a combination of chocolatè chips and chocolatè chunks)
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Microwavè thè buttèr for about 40 sèconds to just barèly mèlt it. It shouldn’t bè hot – but it should bè almost èntirèly in liquid form.
- Using a stand mixèr or èlèctric bèatèrs, bèat thè buttèr with thè sugars until crèamy. Add thè vanilla and thè ègg; bèat on low spèèd until just incorporatèd – 10-15 sèconds or so (if you bèat thè ègg for too long, thè cookiès will bè stiff).
- Add thè flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix until crumblès form. Usè your hands to prèss thè crumblès togèthèr into a dough. It should form onè largè ball that is èasy to handlè (right at thè stagè bètwèèn “wèt” dough and “dry” dough). Add thè chocolatè chips and incorporatè with your hands.
- Roll thè dough into 12 largè balls (or 9 for HUGÈLY awèsomè cookiès) and placè on a cookiè shèèt. Bakè for 9-11 minutès until thè cookiès look puffy and dry and just barèly goldèn.Warning, friènds: DO NOT OVÈRBAKÈ. This advicè is probably writtèn on èvèry cookiè rècipè èvèrywhèrè, but this is èssèntial for kèèping thè cookiès soft. Takè thèm out èvèn if thèy look likè thèy’rè not donè yèt (sèè picturè in thè post). Thèy’ll bè palè and puffy.
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @pinchofyum.
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